Website Updates March 2023
Please note this site has been updated technically (2020, 2023) to ensure it is secure, but a some of the content may be outdated as it was last actively managed in 2013.
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Who are we?
EY Churches is the short-hand name for the East Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust, which is a company incorporated from the East Yorkshire Historic Churches Group with the same aims. The Group was set up in 2004 to encourage a greater appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of the churches in the area. Churches are a valuable part of the diverse cultural, historical, architectural and environmental heritage of East Yorkshire. The Trust was incorporated on 16th November 2005. The Trust hopes to encourage visits to churches in the area, and to develop a sense of community ownership of and responsibility for those churches, as well as community involvement. We also hope to develop local tourism and rural regeneration by encouraging those visits.