Saturday 25th November saw the book launch of "A History of Mappleton", by Rosemary Wilkinson and Lorna Haysom. This fascinating booklet was provided with the help of the Langeled Resources for Churches Grant Scheme and all sales profits of it go towards All Saints Church Mappleton.
The Trust's next conference is one not to be missed as its outcomes will affect you! This year we are very pleased to welcome one of our trustees and acclaimed local historian, Dr. David Neave, who will be leading on "The Churches and Chapels of the East Riding." We are sure David's expertise and experience in this sector will be greatly appreciated and look forward to what he has to tell us!
We were very fortunate to secure funding from the Langeled Rural Community Development Fund and LEADER+ to provide £15,000 to member churches for items to promote tourism.
The Trust is very pleased to announce that St Margaret Millington has decided to open its doors to the public permanently.